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ACAR: rebranding

To keep ourselves updated with industry happenings, we love to work on portfolio cases. Recently, the professional association ACAR launched a rebranding competition for performance and creativity ratings.

We couldn't resist getting involved and decided to do something awesome.

About the client

The Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (ACAR) is the leading and largest professional association in the Eastern European advertising and marketing communications market.

Award diplomas before rebranding ->

What we did

Creativity Rating

Our initial focus was to explore what the word "creativity" evokes. We believe it's all about insights and the emergence of new and brilliant ideas, almost like a flash of light and an explosion of emotions.

Taking inspiration from this visual metaphor, we decided to reflect it in the brand identity. We opted for vibrant colors, bright futuristic 3D graphics, and easily readable round sans-serif fonts.

What we did

Performance Rating

When it comes to performance ratings, we built a visual narrative around the notion that marketing communications are interconnected with the product, operational processes, positioning, and personnel management.

To convey these multifaceted aspects, we found a fitting metaphor – Tetris, symbolizing coordinated teamwork. In this analogy, communication becomes a vital building block in filling strategic gaps.

How do we connect performance rating & creativity rating?​

At first glance, these visual concepts may seem quite different. However, just like effective ideas are born out of hours of analytics and hypothesis testing, operational processes can't thrive without creativity.

The unity between the two awards can be seen in the consistent style of the visual language, featuring trendy 3D elements and gradients.

Kate Dorokhina

Kate Dorokhina

Tanya Makeeva

Tanya Makeeva


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